Labai įdomus vieno iš Brolių Musulmonų lyderių Essam El-Errian interviu laikraščiui The New York Times
Susidaro įspūdis, kad tai galėtų būti kažkas panašaus į XIXa.pabaigos-XXa. pradžios Europą, kai stiprėjo demokratinės tendencijos, bet religija tebeturėjo didelę įtaką tiek žmonių sąmonėje, tiek valstybinėje politikoje. Galbūt tai kažkam gali pasirodyti anachronizmu, bet tiems kraštams tai jau būtų ryškus progresas.
As our nation heads toward liberty, however, we disagree with the claims that the only options in Egypt are a purely secular, liberal democracy or an authoritarian theocracy. Secular liberal democracy of the American and European variety, with its firm rejection of religion in public life, is not the exclusive model for a legitimate democracy.
In Egypt, religion continues to be an important part of our culture and heritage. Moving forward, we envision the establishment of a democratic, civil state that draws on universal measures of freedom and justice, which are central Islamic values. We embrace democracy not as a foreign concept that must be reconciled with tradition, but as a set of principles and objectives that are inherently compatible with and reinforce Islamic tenets.
The tyranny of autocratic rule must give way to immediate reform: the demonstration of a serious commitment to change, the granting of freedoms to all and the transition toward democracy. The Muslim Brotherhood stands firmly behind the demands of the Egyptian people as a whole.