Nacionalizmas atsigauna?

Hmmm, vertas dėmesio straipsnis:
It was nationalism that cemented most of the European powers in the modern era, turning them from dynastic states into nation-states, and it was the spread of nationalist ideology that helped destroy the British, French, Ottoman, Dutch, Portuguese, Austro-Hungarian, and Russian/Soviet empires. Nationalism is the main reason the United Nations had fifty-one members immediately after its founding in 1945 and has nearly 200 members today. It is why the Zionists wanted a state for the Jewish people and why Palestinians want a state of their own today. It is what enabled the Vietnamese to defeat both the French and the American armies during the Cold War. It is also why Kurds and Chechens still aspire to statehood; why Scots have pressed for greater autonomy within the United Kingdom, and it is why we now have a Republic of South Sudan.



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4 komentarai

  1. Gunas sakė:

    Labai įdomus straipsnis. Kapstomasi labai arti daugelio dabartinių Vakarų problemų priežasties…

    • Taip – nacionalizmas nėra vienintelis dabartinių įvykių variklis, tačiau jis kur kas svarbesnis, nei dažnai bandoma parodyti mass-medijose

      • Gunas sakė:

        Manau, problema ne pats nacionalizmas, o mėginimai bet kokia kaina jį užgniaužti…

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