Anderso Breiviko idealai

Na ką, Putinas ir „Naši“ priversti praustis po to, kai apie savo simpatijas jiems prisipažino norvegų teroristas Andersas Breivikas:
The author at one point asks rhetorically, “Name one living person you would like to meet?” The answer is “The Pope or Vladimir Putin.” Mr. Putin was described as “a fair and resolute leader worth of respect” by the author, who also wrote: “I am unsure at this point whether he has the potential to be our best friend or our worst enemy.”
Mr. Putin’s spokesman, Dmitri S. Peskov, cautioned in comments quoted by Kommersant newspaper that Mr. Breivik “is the devil incarnate, absolutely mad. No matter what he wrote or said, this is the delirium of a madman.”
Elsewhere, the manifesto suggested that in a first phase of forming a purely conservative and white Europe, Western Europeans should create “cultural conservative student organizations” to propagate the new ideology. “This movement should be somewhat like the equivalent of Russia’s Nashi movement,” the document says.
A spokeswoman for Nashi, Maria Kislitsyna, told the Interfax news agency that “it is the first time that we hear of our organization mentioned in this context.”

Ir BBC biškį druskos ant žaizdų užbėrė:
Называя российского премьера Владимира Путина одним из деятелей (наряду с Папой Бенедиктом XVI), с которыми он хотел бы познакомиться, Брейвик добавляет, что „в настоящий момент не уверен, является ли он [Путин] для нас потенциально лучшим другом или злейшим врагом“.
„Он трудно поддается психоанализу, – пишет Брейвик. – Я бы не хотел быть его врагом, это точно“.



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  1. Atgalinis pranešimas: Apie Breiviko Norvegiją | Grumlino palėpė

  2. Atgalinis pranešimas: Politvalandėlė | Grumlino palėpė

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