Ex-Rusijos žydai – kliūtis taikai Palestinoje pasiekti,…

…pasakė buvęs JAV prezidentas B.Klintonas:
„Russian immigrants to Israel have emerged as a central obstacle to achieving a Middle East peace deal, according to former President Bill Clinton. He voiced fears that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), which increasingly consists of soldiers hailing from this community, might not be fully willing to oppose Israeli settlers as a result.“

Panašu, kad izraeliečių nelaukia labai šviesi ateitis, jei jie nesugebės išspręsti taikos klausimo dabar:
„They won’t do what Arafat did, they won’t get up to the deal and lose their nerve. They know what the future looks like.“
In the long term, Israelis will face increased pressures, Clinton said. Because of the high Palestinian birth rate, Israel will become a Palestinian-majority state sometime in the next 30 years, if it does not give up the West Bank.
„Then they will have to decide either to be a Jewish state or a democracy, but they cannot be both. They don’t want to face that. They don’t want to face not only the international legitimacy question but also the internal identity crisis.“
Moreover, Clinton said, Hamas militants will soon have military technology that will allow their relatively low-damage attacks on Israeli population centers to have greater accuracy and lethality.
„It’s just a matter of time before the rockets have a GPS system on ‘em and a few rockets will kill a whole lot of people. Netanyahu understands that,“ said Clinton.
He also said that Arab leaders were on board with Middle East peace now more than ever, partly because they now have Iran as a boogeyman to deflect attention from their unpopular policies.
„They think they’ve got a real enemy in Iran now, so they don’t need a faux enemy in Israel to keep people in the street directed at somebody besides them.“



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2 komentarai

  1. rokiskis sakė:

    Na, dėl GPS sistemų, tai yra priemonės prie civilių panaudojimą. Aišku, tada ir civilinis GPS neveiks. Bet pervertint ginklavimosi galimybių augimo nereikia. Bet kaip ir įprasta, daugiau abejonių apie viską, nei kokių nors sprendimų.

    • Matai, prieš kiekvieną ginklą atsiranda apsauga, tačiau tada kuriams naujas ginklas tai apsaugai įveikti
      Šiaip izraeliečių man gaila, nes ganėtinai pozityvus projektas duoti jiems namus išsigimė į nuolatinę kovą tų namų plėtimui svetimo gero sąskaita ir užgrobto gero gynimu…

Komentavimo galimybė išjungta.