Afrika aprauda Kadafį…

…ir nenori pripažinti naujosios Libijos vadovybės. Nes kai kelis dešimtmečius Kadafis naudojo Libijos naftos dolerius remti visokiems diktatoriniams režimams ir realizuoti visokius šūdprojekčius, jo žlugimas reikš kranelių užsukimą, ir visokiems afro-afrikiečių vadukams gali ateiti liūdnos dienos…
Often dismissed as a clown or lunatic, in Africa Gaddafi was a serious player, and the continent’s longest-standing ruler. Money goes a long way in places without much, and the eccentric leader used his country’s oil wealth to spread his fingers everywhere. His luxury hotels dot capital cities across the continent, and he funded pet rebel groups across the continent. But, besides his hefty purse, Gaddafi also was a symbol for some of African pride. His often incoherent but vehemently anti-Western diatribes on the international stage often found a sympathetic audience among disillusioned African youth. Unlike other North African leaders, who prefer to stress their Arab ties and downplay their African ones, Gaddafi embraced a continental role, keeping pan-African visions alive. His much-ballyhooed pipe dream of a United States of Africa might have failed, but it paved the way for today’s African Union — which in turn thanked him by angrily denouncing the NATO operation that paved the way for his downfall.

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